Inspired: Cynthia Dale & Deb Hale

Cynthia Dale inspired by Deb Hale


You have been an inspiration to me for over 20 years, but watching you this last decade has been an honor. I’ve often thought about the many twists and turns life has thrown your way and marveled at how you’ve navigated through it all with unwavering tenacity and, most importantly, your faith

From the challenges you faced head on to the triumphs that followed, each chapter of your life has been a testament to your strength and resilience. When you found yourself alone with your kids, you started your own business. When you saw doors closing, you always found an open window. When the opportunity arose for you to return to college and get your degree, you did it with determination and perseverance. Your graduation day, with honors, in December was a celebration. The children in your classroom will have a love of learning instilled by your preparedness and patience.

Together, we have had hard conversations and many fitful bouts of laughter. When one of us has been weak, the other has been strong. I consistently watch you put others before yourself and that is why I am proud to call you friend.

Much love, Cynthia

cynthia dale and deb hale
Deb Hale (Left) and Cynthia Dale (Right)

From the challenges you faced head on to the triumphs that followed, each chapter of your life has been a testament to your strength and resilience.”

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