Missy Elliott on the Power of a Moment
“Life is what happens to us when we are busy making other plans.” This quote, made famous by John Lennon, sums up my last two years. Just when you think your life is going one way, the universe throws you a fast curveball that completely changes your life’s trajectory and steers you in another direction.
Spoiler alert, it’s good.
In October of 2022, life was good at the Elliott house. Our oldest son J.Y. was well into his semester at the University of the South studying abroad in Spain, and our youngest son Boon was enjoying his first semester at The University of Georgia. My husband Jay and I were making lists of things we planned to do as new empty nesters. Enter life.
On October 14, Jay suffered a sudden cardiac death while standing by his desk at Kenco Logistics. His heart went into ventricular fibrillation (VF), and he collapsed. His coworker, Jennifer Banker, heard him fall and immediately called for help. Another coworker, Natalie Baker, called 911, and the operator began talking her through CPR. Within minutes, another coworker, DJ Lane, took over CPR and, for the next 13 minutes, kept Jay alive until Chattanooga Fire (including the Quint 10 truck and Lieutenant Tiffany Bird) and EMS arrived. An AED was used, and Jay was transported to the Erlanger ER.
He was sedated, put on a ventilator for the next 24 hours, spent two days in the cardiac ICU, and then spent five days in the cardiac step-down unit.

He came home with a pacemaker/defibrillator that will be his life preserver in case this ever happens again. The survival rate of VF is extremely low – it’s a miracle Jay is alive. Cardiologist Dr. Harish Manyam determined Jay’s issue was electrical, and he’s been with us every step of the last two years.
There were so many miracles that happened on October 14, but I want to highlight one – U.S. Military Veteran DJ Lane. When the call went out for help, DJ acted quickly and decisively, putting all his military training to work. He’s the angel that saved Jay’s life. Firefighters told me that it is because of DJ that Jay is alive.
Fast forward. In February of 2023, Boon started an organization called Life Preserver. Its mission is to raise money for the purchase and installation of AEDs in Greek houses, as well as to provide basic CPR training. To date, Life Preserver has installed approximately 25 AEDs and coordinated numerous CPR trainings. Their grandfather, a retired surgeon, Dr. William F. Johnson has gotten in on the project too, by teaching numerous community CPR/AED classes.

Our lives forever changed on October 14. Jay now has two birthdays, and I am quicker to say “I love you.” I don’t mind slowing down to be with loved ones, and I recognize that life is not in my control – and that’s okay! There is a freedom in knowing that when the curveball comes, I can move and pivot in another direction.
But … there is a twist to my story. On Monday, February 26, 2024, myself and fellow rowing coach Kace Allen were on a run along the Tennessee Riverwalk with the Chattanooga Junior Rowing team when we saw a woman collapse. Kace (also a Chattanooga Firefighter) and I quickly called 911, and he began CPR until the Fire Department and Hamilton County EMS arrived. Within minutes, the AED was used, and the woman was transported to the hospital. It was hard for me to watch without thinking of Jay. Fast response and quality CPR, along with an AED, saved her life.
While events were happening, I looked at the number of the fire truck – 10 – and asked the lieutenant her name – Tiffany Bird. Life came full circle: this was the crew that saved Jay’s life. I introduced myself, and she immediately remembered the call. We hugged, and I cried! I had always hoped to meet this crew, so it was really special.
And the woman that collapsed? Her name is Amy Young, and she’s doing great! Social media connected us, and she has been able to meet and hug her angels.
These two stories intersect in a series of coincidences, but they have the same powerful message. Take the time to learn quality CPR and to use an AED, be quick with “I love you,” and embrace life when it comes.
– Missy Elliot, Chattanooga