Motivating Stories from Local Women
Every woman has a story to tell, and no two stories are alike. Meet the women who have persevered through challenges and tribulations and come out the other side stronger than ever.
These unique individuals have seen their fair share of adversity but continue to inspire those around them with the lessons they have learned and their love of life. Read on for four truly motivating stories by the women who experienced them firsthand.
My hope for anyone in a position of being bullied, battered, or broken is that they realize there is hope. They don’t have to believe their abuser. They are more than conquerors. Please reach out to someone you can trust and start breaking those chains."
Jess Haynes

I grew up the youngest of three daughters, and by the age of 12, I found myself as an only child in a new town. My first-born sister was married, my second sister had started college, and I was feeling completely untethered. Perhaps that is why, at the age of 13, I believed ‘him.’
He was 16, had a car, and told me I was special. The ‘love bombing’ felt so amazing. Fast-forward nine years and a few dozen bruises, and it was no longer love he was bombing me with. The kisses had turned to slaps, the kind words into insults. He had me convinced that I was worthless and could do nothing without him. If it wasn’t for the intervention of a good friend, I don’t believe I would have survived. Her consistency in reminding me of who I was eventually allowed me to seek help.
Once I decided to pursue music, I realized I had an opportunity to be that consistent reminder to others: that they deserve better and could have better. The songs that I write tend to be about persevering, being powerful, or holding tight to faith – or, sometimes, all three.
I met another overcomer who taught me that I had a story that went beyond just not giving in to an abuser, and that I could help anyone looking for more out of life (and themselves), and I became a life coach. Take me for example. I was told I was ugly, and now I model. I was told I could not sing, and now I have several singles out. I was told I was stupid, but now I have my own hat line. I don’t mention these things to brag, but to tell people I know what I’m talking about is true; you can accomplish anything regardless of how dark it may seem right now. My hope for anyone in a position of being bullied, battered, or broken is that they realize there is hope. They don’t have to believe their abuser. They are more than conquerors. Please reach out to someone you can trust and start breaking those chains.
Jess Haynes, East Brainerd