Healthy Living

Scented & Soothing

Chattanooga Essential Oils Renew Essential Oil Blend  $10 by Aura Cacia Pure Essential Oils This renewing essential oil blend is specially formulated for use in

Tingling, Radiating Back & Leg Pain

Tingling, Radiating Back & Leg Pain Sciatica vs. Other Types of Back Pain Sciatica is a particular type of back pain – namely, pain that

Health in a Minute: Late Summer 2015

For Her When Your Period’s A Headache What’s the Connection?   If you find yourself suffering from painful headaches before or during your period, you’re

sleeping woman

Health in a Minute: Summer 2015

For Her Laugh out Loud! Can laughter keep you healthy?  You’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine, but is it really true? As it

happy couple aging gracefully

Secrets of Aging Well

It’s not all about good genes. Growing older gracefully begins with our outlook, which in turn manifests itself in our decisions. If you’ve made some

man splashing water on his face

Health in a Minute: Spring 2015

For Her De-Stress for Good Health How Chilling Out Improves Well-being Realizing your stressors and keeping psychological stress at bay can improve more than just your

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