Healthy Living

sauna in chattanooga

Health in a Minute: Fall 2018

For Her A Hot Topic Ready to turn up the heat? If you haven’t been frequenting your local sauna, it may be time to start.

fan illustration

Cool for the Summer

Protecting Your Loved Ones from Harmful Summer Heat Recent studies have confirmed what we’ve all been thinking – it is actually getting hotter each year.

Fresh cut herbs in chattanooga

Spice Up Your Life

Growing an Herb Garden Ditch the salt, fatty sauces, and store-bought processed flavor purveyors. Instead, try seasoning your meals with herbs and spices that you

top view of laptop, glasses, notebook, pen, and coffee

Health in a Minute: Summer 2018

For Her Let’s Talk Turmeric The health world is a tad turmeric obsessed, and for good reason. Here’s what you need to know about this

mom dad and son floating on donut inner tubes in the pool in chattanooga

Practicing Pool Safety

Key Safety Tips & Guidelines for Pool Time Fun Did you know that drowning is one of the top two leading causes of unintentional injury-related

makeup products standing in gray background

Health in a Minute: Spring 2018

For Him How Often You Really Need a Shower More than likely, your daily routine includes a good scrub down (or two) in the shower

Katherine Currin and happy family in Chattanooga

Spring for Clean!

Spring Cleaning Tips from Locals What is it about the spring that makes us want to purge clothes in our closets and clean the tucked-away

house plants

Health in a Minute: New Year 2018

For Her Keeping an Eye Out When was your last eye exam? Not only do routine exams help detect early signs of vision loss, but they

all natural cleaning supplies in chattanooga

Au Naturale

All Natural Cleaning Supplies Cleanse Your Counters Murchison-Hume makes an all-natural counter cleaner that is great for any water-safe surface (like finished wood, granite, marble, plastic,

Morning plans clothes phone pillow water bottle alarm clock in chattanooga

Rise & Shine

7 Tips for Starting Your Day Off Right Whether you wake up on the right side of the bed or not, here are seven easy

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