Health in a Minute: Choosing Conditioner & Fall Yardwork Safety

Choosing Conditioner for Your Hair Type

choosing conditioners | Shampoo and Conditioner Bottles

While you do need both shampoo and conditioner to have healthy hair, they do different jobs, so leave those 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioners behind. You should choose your shampoo based on your scalp condition (dry vs. oily). Your conditioner restores the moisture that shampoo strips from your hair, so you should choose your products based on the condition of your hair. 

Greasy Hair: Aim for a daily conditioner that reduces oil. Avoid hydrating and moisturizing products. Instead, look for clarifying conditioners, products that use words like “light” or “strengthening.” 

Dry or Damaged Hair: Look for moisturizing or hydrating daily conditioners. You can also try leave-in conditioners for even more hydration, or use deep conditioners a couple of times a month to help prevent future damage.  

Frizzy Hair: Look for smoothing daily conditioners to help seal the cuticles and lessen humidity’s effects on your hair.  

Curly Hair: Use products specifically formulated for curls to help minimize frizz and keep your extra-dry curls hydrated and easier to manage. 

Thin or Fine Hair: Look for a volumizing or thickening daily conditioner to help give your hair a little more body. 

Fall Yardwork Safety 101

fall yardwork safety | Lawnmower

In the South, summer temps can linger well into October. If you’re spending time in the yard this fall, stay safe with these tips!

Drink plenty of water and take frequent breaks. Work in the morning or evening to avoid the hottest part of the day. 

No matter how hot it is, wear closed-toe shoes and long pants to avoid injuries from string trimmers or debris while mowing. 

Wear bug spray and sunscreen to protect your skin.

Stretch to warm up your muscles and prevent injury, and use a knee pad to protect your knees when weeding and gardening.

Take antihistamines and wear a mask to prevent allergy symptoms. Keep windows and doors closed for a few hours after mowing to help minimize allergies.  

Keep a first aid kit to treat common lawn care-related injuries like small cuts, burns, blisters, insect bites and stings, and allergic reactions to pollen and poison ivy, oak, and sumac. Stock your kit with bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, antihistamines, cortisone cream, calamine lotion, moleskin pads, masks, and aloe vera lotion.

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