Oral Health

smiling woman close up of healthy white straight teeth chattanooga oral health

Caring for Your Oral Health

Oral Health From plaque to past dental work needing repair, women face a multitude of oral health challenges. How they care for their teeth can

Advancements in dentistry chattanooga

Advancements in Dentistry

Enhanced Dental Care 3-D imaging is created new possibilities in modern dentistry. Dental Procedures X-rays and medical CT scans are often a necessary step in


  What are FASTBRACES®? For teens or adults looking to straighten their smile in a short amount of time while leaving their natural bite intact,

Oral Health

Treating Tooth Loss and Decay How Does Aging Affect the Mouth? According to Harvard Health, older adults suffer higher rates of gum disease, dental decay,

Oral Health

Symptoms and Causes of Dry Mouth What is Dry Mouth? Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, refers to any condition in which your mouth is

Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Did you know Americans spend over a billion dollars annually on over-the-counter teeth whiteners? No one wants dark-stained teeth, and while you could turn to

Pediatric Dentistry

When should I first take my child to the dentist?  You should take your child to the dentist when the first tooth appears or no

Orthodontic Treatments

Why see an orthodontist?  If you are concerned with you or your child’s smile or bite, an orthodontist can likely help. Crowded or spaced teeth

Improve Your Oral Health

Brush for two. Most people only brush one-third of the suggested time. Aim to brush your teeth for a full two minutes every morning and

Cavity Free Kids at Every Stage

Tooth decay, also known as dental cavities, is one of the most common chronic conditions suffered by children in the United States. The good news

A Parent’s Guide to Braces

What Parent’s Should Know About Braces Braces can either be exciting or extremely stressful for your child or teenager. If your son or daughter is

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