Meet Our Doctors – Dr. Syed Ashan Rizvi

Children's Hospital at Erlanger

Empowering Patients

Practicing medicine for six years, Dr. Syed Ahsan Rizvi loves pediatric gastroenterology because he is able to help those who cannot advocate for themselves. “I love pediatrics because it is truly an honor and a privilege to work with children and their families,” he says. “It’s heartwarming to play a part in a child’s life that can help them thrive, grow, and develop appropriately while still having fun!” In addition to giving his young patients a voice, Dr. Rizvi also enjoys the variety that the discipline provides. From procededures and long-term development to acute care and hospital-based medicine, no two days are exactly the same. “As a pediatric gastroenterologist, I’m not limited to only the alimentary tract but also liver, pancreas, and nutrition,” says Dr. Rizvi. Regardless of the type of care he is providing, Dr. Rizvi’s ultimate mission is to show his patients he cares and empower them to advocate for their own health.

While I listen to my patients and families, I also try to educate them and help them understand how to manage their diagnosis.”

My Credentials

Medical Degree:

Morehouse School of Medicine – Atlanta, GA


Board-Certified Pediatrician

Board-Eligible Pediatric Gastroenterologist


Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductee

Outstanding Research Award in Pediatric Gastroenterology, NASPGHAN

McNair Scholar 

My Specialties

Pediatric Gastroenterology


1. What is one of your happiest professional moments?

Since I am a pediatrician at heart, one of my happiest professional moments was when I connected with a patient and they offered me a toy as a gift. 

2. What do you see as the most exciting new development for your profession?

Medicine is becoming tailored and more individual-based rather than a “trial and error” method. 

3. What does your daily routine look like?

Every day is different. This is why I like gastroenterology, because we have so much variability in our care. 

4. Why did you choose to become a doctor?

I wanted to help others by solving complex medical problems and advocating for patients. I want to empower and educate my patients so they can take care of themselves and be self-advocates. 

5. What is your philosophy when it comes to the care of your patients?

Recently, a published study said that doctors listen to their patients for an average of just 11 seconds before interrupting them. I am a huge believer that listening and caring for our patients is just as important as prescribing medications.

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