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OraQuick HIV Test

This rapid test is an important step forward in combating the HIV epidemic in the United States.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that weakens the immune system and inhibits the body’s natural ability to fight off diseases and infections. According to the CDC, HIV currently affects over 1.1 million people in the United States, and nearly 1 in 7 of these people do not know they are living with HIV. A major part of the CDC’s plan to end the HIV epidemic is increasing knowledge of status, or increasing the number of people living with HIV who are aware that they are HIV positive.  

The OraQuick HIV test, the first to be approved for at-home testing, is a big step forward in ending the country’s HIV epidemic. OraQuick provides rapid results and makes getting tested easier and more comfortable for people who are at risk of infection. 

How Does It Work?

Rapid HIV tests work by detecting antibodies and can be administered with a finger prick or an oral swab. OraQuick tests can be administered at home or in clinical settings and provide reliable, simple-to-read results. The test only requires a swab of the gums, and test results come back in just 20 minutes. In clinics, the test will be administered in a private room where patients can wait comfortably until the results come back. 

The Benefits of OraQuick

Rapid Results. Waiting for the results of an HIV test is nerve-wracking, but patients only have to wait for 20 minutes with OraQuick. This also means less time spent in clinics, which can also be anxiety-inducing.

Privacy. Patients can take OraQuick tests in the comfort of their own home or in a comfortable, private waiting room. This privacy reduces the discomfort that many people feel about getting tested, which means that more people will make the choice to get tested. 

Powerful Information. The CDC recognizes that informing more people of their HIV status is an important part of ending the HIV epidemic. OraQuick allows people to make informed decisions that keep themselves and others healthy.  

Accessibility. OraQuick makes it easier for people who are at risk of infection to get HIV tests. Some clinics offer free tests so that more people can access this life-saving information. 

OraQuick HIV Test

An Expert Weighs In

“At Cempa Community Care, our mission is to champion a healthier community – we’ve found one way to do that is through offering OraQuick & INSTI (60 sec) Rapid HIV tests. There are common misconceptions that during STI screenings or annual OB/GYN visits you are tested for all STIs; however, you must specifically request to be tested for HIV. At Cempa, we are breaking the barriers to knowing your status and getting tested. You’ll walk out knowing and feeling educated about your status!”

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