ClearStep Numberless Scale

Tech For Your Health

Medical technology is changing and evolving all the time. From the latest in robotic surgery to high-tech treatment options for mental health and wellness, read on to learn more about the most up-to-date technological advancements in healthcare.

Built to help people recovering from eating disorders, this scale’s innovative design works in tandem with an app that allows treatment teams to check in in a way that bypasses the anxiety that can come with numbers. 

For those who are trying to recover from eating disorders, seeing numbers on a scale can be incredibly triggering. If a person has struggled with a disorder that includes body dysmorphia, seeing the number can cause heightened anxiety. For this reason, the gold standard in eating disorder treatment includes “blind weights.” To combat this issue during the pandemic, the ClearStep Numberless Scale was developed for patients who were receiving virtual treatment from home. This new technology takes the worry surrounding numbers out of the equation for the patient.

How It Works

Unlike a traditional scale, the ClearStep has no dial or digital display to show measurements.

The scale is instead linked to the ClearStep app, and when the patient steps on the scale, the measurements are sent via the app to their recovery team, who can use the information to monitor the patient’s progress. Numbers or weight feedback are never shown to or made accessible to the patient, and they instead receive only positive, numberless feedback from their recovery team via the ClearStep portal. The information that the recovery team receives via this portal can be used to evaluate and adjust a patient’s recovery plan as needed. 

Who It's For

The ClearStep scale is designed for people recovering from eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating, among others. It’s an excellent option for those in search of telehealth treatment, as the app it uses to coordinate with a patient’s remote recovery team is completely private and HIPAA-compliant. The platform allows for regular and consistent monitoring, which provides the support that patients need on their path to recovery. It’s also ideal for patients who might have busy lives and don’t have time to come into the office as often as they need to: With the ClearStep scale, all they have to do is open the app, step on the scale, and confirm that their measurements have been taken and sent to their recovery team – that’s it. Scheduling and weigh-in reminders can also be managed from the app, which streamlines the process, making recovery even more accessible to those who are in need.

An Expert Weighs In

"When COVID-19 hit last year, we faced a serious dilemma in serving our patients suffering from eating disorders. Gathering accurate vital signs virtually had never been done. I presented this problem to Nati Lavi, the CEO and co-founder of Shapa, and together with this team, we were able to put together the ClearStep Scale. Our goal was to create a seamless solution for clinicians to continue to provide accurate and compassionate care. We believe we have solved a major issue disrupting the delivery of virtual care to those with eating disorders during the COVID-19 crisis."

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