Annual Advancements in Medicine Section
From minimally invasive surgical technologies to innovative appproaches to rehabiliation and beyond, new research in the medical field is optimizing care for patients and doctors alike. Read on to discover the latest in revolutionary treatment options.
This advanced wrinkle treatment provides visible results with little pain or downtime for patients.
Understanding Aging Skin
As we age, skin naturally loses elasticity and becomes drier, as a result of lessened fat and collagen. The natural aging process, in addition to exposure to UV radiation, smoking, pollutions, facial expressions, skincare, and genetics are all causes of wrinkles, fine lines, and drooping on skin. There are many ways to prevent and treat wrinkles. Prevention tips include protecting your skin from UV radiation with the use of sunscreen or avoiding sun exposure and washing and moisturizing your face daily, which will trap water in the skin. In addition, avoiding smoking and eating a healthy diet can contribute to wrinkle prevention.
New Solutions
Ellacor is the first and only device of its kind that non-surgically removes skin on the microscale to improve the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles and excess skin, providing visible, natural results for those with signs of aging.

During the procedure, hollow needles are used to remove micro-cores of skin without evidence of scarring, revolutionizing the approach to treating wrinkles and fine lines.
What to Expect
Prior to the procedure, you will receive a local anesthetic to the treated area. Once the area is numb, the provider places the Ellacor device to your skin, creating micro-cores in a precise grid pattern. Excess skin is removed through the hollow needles, and the micro-cores begin to heal almost immediately. Each session takes about 30 minutes or less, and you should expect to be fully healed within a few days to a few weeks, varying by patient and treatment settings. For best results, most patients undergo a series of three procedures spaced 30 days apart.
Benefits to Patients
Unlike other skin treatment options, Ellacor does not use thermal energy, lasers, radio frequency, or ultrasound energy, allowing quicker healing times and visible results without surgery. The FDA-approved procedure is safe and quick with minimal downtime, and most patients report very little discomfort. In clinical trials, 90% of patients showed improvement in moderate to severe wrinkles.