Abdominal and core workouts are an important part of any well-rounded fitness routine. Your core includes your pelvis, lower back, hips, and stomach. A strong core can improve your balance and steadiness, which is important for physical and everyday activities.
If you’re looking to strengthen your abdominal and core muscles, try out these seven ab workouts below to round out your daily fitness routine.
Because everybody is different, talk to your doctor if you have any concerns before starting a new exercise program. Always start slow and work your way up to more challenging exercises.

Russian Twist
Russian Twists are a great way to build core strength, and the rotational movement can be beneficial for those who play sports. According to Healthline, here’s how to properly complete a Russian twist:
While sitting on the floor, lift your feet from the floor, with your knees bent in the air. Straighten your spine until it’s at a 45 degree angle from the floor. (You should be creating a “V” shape with your torso and thighs.) Clasp your hands together in front of your torso. Then, use your abdominals to twist to the right, back to the center, and to the left. This is one repetition.
Healthline recommends performing this exercise for two to three sets of eight to 16 repetitions.
Reverse Crunch
Reverse Crunches provide many of the same benefits of regular crunches, but they may be easier on your back and your neck. Here’s how VeryWell Fit recommends performing a reverse crunch:
Lay face up on your exercise mat with your arms at your sides. Bend your legs at the knee, while bracing your abdominals, and slowly raise your legs until your knees are over your hips and your lower legs are bent at 90 degrees. This is the starting position. Curl your hips and knees toward your chest, with your hips coming off the mat as you curl. Your knees should stay at the same angle throughout the movement. Once you cannot curl any further without your back coming off the mat, return to the starting position.
VeryWell Fit recommends performing this exercise for three sets of 10 repetitions, increasing the number of repetitions as you grow stronger.

Bird Dog
Bird dogs can help build lower back function and even relieve lower back pain by engaging the core muscles. Here’s how GymShark recommends performing this exercise:
Kneel on your mat on all fours, with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips. While bracing your abdominal muscles, slowly extend your right arm and your left leg until they form a straight line. Keep your back straight. After holding for two seconds, bring your leg and arm back in while driving your elbow towards your knee. This is one repetition.
GymShark recommends performing 10 reps on one side and then switching to your left arm and right leg.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are a great abdominal workout that helps with balance, flexibility, and stamina. Here’s how Healthline recommends tackling mountain climbers in your fitness routine:
Get into a plank position with your hands under your shoulders. Bring your right knee forward until it’s under your chest. Take your right knee back to its starting position, and then bring your left knee forward until it’s under your chest.
Healthline recommends performing this exercise for a total of one minute. Rest, and then repeat one to two more times.

Hanging Leg Raise
This challenging ab workout is performed using a bar or equipment to hang from. Here’s how Men’s Health recommends performing this exercise:
Grab the bar with your palms fully wrapped around it. Keeping your legs slightly in front of you, squeeze your shoulder blades, abs, and glutes. Bend your knees and begin slowly curling your legs upwards. Your butt will raise up and your torso will begin to curl with this movement. Lower your body back to its starting position, but remember to keep tension in your body.
Men’s Health recommends performing three sets of eight to 10 reps.
Farmer’s Carry
A farmer’s carry works your abdominal and core muscles while also providing a functional workout that can be useful in everyday life. Here’s how Women’s Health recommends performing a farmer’s carry.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart with your weight on the floor in front of your right foot. Hinge at the hips, bend your knees, and keep your back flat as you pick up your weight. Tighten your core as you stand back up. Keep your core tight and your spine neutral as you walk around for 30 to 60 seconds. Set the weight down. This is one repetition.
After this repetition, Women’s Health recommends picking the weight up again on your left side. Complete four reps on each side.

Ball Bridges
While good for your core, ball bridges also help strengthen your hamstring, glute, and inner thigh strength. Here’s how Gold’s Gym recommends performing a ball bridge:
Lay face up on your mat. Your feet should be resting on an exercise ball with your knees at a 90 degree angle. Then, push your body up off the mat. Your glutes should be lifting off the ground, and your feet should be firmly planted on the exercise ball. Your body should be in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. This is one repetition.
For an extra challenging workout, Gold’s Gym recommends placing a weight on your abdominal or lower ab area.
Ab Workout Equipment
If you’re looking for equipment to enhance your ab workouts at the gym or at home, consider the options below:

Trideer Exercise Ball
If you’re looking to try out ball bridges, check out this exercise ball by Trideer. Made with non-toxic PVC material, this exercise ball deflates slowly and is burst resistant if punctured. Plus, it comes in six different colors!

EVERYMILE Balance Ball Trainer
Balance balls can be useful for a variety of core and abdominal workouts. This ball is made with an anti-skid surface, and it’s lightweight and portable, perfect for the athlete on the move. Plus, it comes with two detachable resistance bands to enhance the quality of your workout.

Sweet Sweat Ab Roller
Ab rollers can activate your core and enhance your balance. This 3-inch thick wheel is built with a stainless steel handle, comfortable grips, and non-slip rubber wheels. It also comes with a foam knee pad to provide cushion while doing the workout.

WONDER CORE Ab Roller Board
Perfect for lunges, crunches, and more, this ab roller board is multifunctional for all your ab workout needs. It features three different workout modes to help athletes at every step of the way on their fitness journeys.

Sweet Sweat Waist Trimmer
Looking to maximize your ab workout? Try Sweet Sweat’s waist trimmer. This product boosts your core temperature, increases circulation and sweat during your workout, and can help cut out excess water weight.
Meet the Author

Ali Lemmons, BS, Summa Cum Laude
Ali Lemmons is a graduate of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication with a minor in computer science. While at UTC, Ali also earned the distinction of Summa Cum Laude, the Outstanding Senior Award for the communication department, and was inducted into the Kappa Tau Alpha honor society. Now, as editor/digital content specialist for CMC Publications and Digital Smart Marketing, Ali leads the ideation, conceptualization, and development of numerous health, wellness, and lifestyle articles published in print and online for HealthScope, CityScope, and Choose Chattanooga magazines – premier publications serving S.E. Tennessee and North Georgia. She also is the lead copywriter for the company’s social media sites.