Off To School

school children going inside school building

On the Right Foot! It’s hard to believe that it’s that time again. Setting the alarm clock, packing lunches, dealing with homework, and trying to figure out how to clone yourself in order to cover all the extra-curricular activities can only mean one thing: the new school year is here. While some parents are doing […]

A World Turned Upside Down

teen listening to parents argue

Supporting Teens Through Their Parents’ Divorce I was 18 when my father announced he was divorcing my mother. My sister and brother were 13 and 20 respectively. While some might think that the three of us were old enough to grasp what was going on, the truth is our lives were in an absolute tailspin. […]

Go Play Outside

Nature-Deficit Disorder Gone are the days of neighborhoods filled with the voices of children riding bikes, climbing trees and playing ball in the yard into the twilight hours. Somehow the free-range outdoor days of childhood that many adults recall are no longer part of childhood. Recent studies indicate that American children, on average, spend about […]

Dads Make a Difference

Smiling man embracing boy in bedroom. Happy father is looking away with son at home. They are spending leisure time.

The Impact of Father Involvement Would you like your children to: Do well in school, have healthy self-esteem, exhibit empathy and prosocial behavior, and avoid high-risk behaviors such as drug use, truancy, and criminal activity? Be less susceptible to peer pressure, more competent, more self-protective, more self-reliant and ambitious? Demonstrate a greater ability to take […]

An Empty Nest…Now What?

Visits to the playground, long walks in the stroller, dance lessons, horseback riding, flying kites, the father/daughter dance, basketball, homework, summer camps, Youth Trust and sleepovers are just a few of the things that have been occupying our family’s time over the last 17 years as we raised our daughter. I can honestly tell you […]

Child Bribery

The Problem with Bribing We’ve all been there. What starts out as a quick trip to the grocery store turns into an epic battle of wills, destined to culminate in judgmental stares and humiliation. Most parents will do just about anything to avoid a scene such as this one and sometimes the quickest, most effective […]


upset teen girl being cyberbullied

Parents-Be Aware & Be Productive Perhaps the most widely known incident of cyberbullying is the Megan Meier case, a then 13-year-old from Missouri who became online friends with a person she thought was a new boy in town. In reality, the “friend” was a group of young people and adults, who plotted to humiliate Megan […]

Teen Drug & Alcohol Abuse

teen girl in counseling

How Parents Can Recognize and Prevent It Substance abuse can be a major threat to the health and well-being of teenagers. Alcohol and drugs change the way the brain functions, particularly the areas of the brain that control decision- making and emotions. Substance abuse can also affect memory and learning, which can harm a teen’s […]

Water Wellness

smiling boy playing in swimming pool

Safety Tips for Water-time Fun On sizzling summer days, nothing is more refreshing than going swimming. As temperatures rise, pools, lakes, and beaches become hotspots for families looking for relief from the heat. However, kids are exposed to many serious risks when they spend time around water. Safe Kids USA says that between May and […]

Raising Truly Great Kids

happy family

Your Outline for Parenting Have you ever thought about the way you parent? Now that our daughter is 18, sometimes I look back, and of course hindsight is 20/20 so I think about things and wonder what we might have done differently. It is easy to listen to all the loud voices out there telling […]

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