Helping Children Handle Their Emotions

mother comforting her teen daughter

When our daughter was five years old we had to euthanize one of our Golden Retrievers. We said our goodbyes and discussed the fact that Rosee was very sick and would soon be on her way to puppy heaven. My husband planned to take Rosee to the vet while I took Ashley to school. But on […]

What Every Parent Should Know About Working Memory

illustration of a boy's silhouette on a background with gears

Some Kids Struggle with Working Memory Think about the series of commands you might give your child on a school night: “It’s time for bed! Put away your toys, change into your PJs, and brush your teeth!” Maybe your child put away his toys and got into his PJs, but forgot to brush his teeth. […]

How to Handle Disrespectful Behavior

cartoon of little girl shouting and pointing in chattanooga

I remember when our daughter was in kindergarten, and out of the blue I noticed she started talking in a disrespectful tone and using words we didn’t allow in our home. I was really puzzled about where this was coming from until I watched an episode of “Rugrats” with her. Needless to say, we stopped watching […]

Parenting in the Age of Technology

mother and daughter using smartphone

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 25% of teens describe themselves as “constantly connected” to the internet and 76% of teens use at least one social media site. Research conducted on behalf of the Family Online Safety Institute found that 58% of parents say their child personally has at least three of the following devices […]

Talking Through Tragedy with Children

What do you do when tragedy strikes?  How do you talk with children about death and pain – things we often want to shield our children from for as long as possible? Dealing with tragedy and death is never easy, yet it is a very real part of life. Many of us are uncomfortable talking […]

Helping Children Deal With Failure

graphic illustration of parents comforting teen daughter

We need to let children learn how to do things for themselves and reframe our thoughts about disappointments and failures. They are necessary preparation for adult life. As a parent, I can remember many moments when my daughter experienced disappointment or failure. The temptation was to run interference and make it better. I mean, what […]

Does My Child Need Help?

child's hands holding alphabet magnets spelling HELP

What To Know About Children’s Mental, Behavioral, & Emotional Well-Being While it’s normal for children to occasionally feel stressed or undergo a season of sadness, persistent emotional distress should never be ignored. Here is what every parent should know about their child’s mental, behavioral, and emotional well-being. Children and Mental Health: A Snapshot Childhood. It’s […]

Easing Sleepover Anxiety

little girls jumping on the bed at a sleepover

As a kid, I loved sleepovers. In fact one of my fondest memories was the time I went to a sleepover at a friend’s house. It still makes me laugh today. Two of us were in twin beds and the third friend was in a rollaway bed. It was late and we were carrying on […]

Raising a Grateful Child

Starting at an early age, children are inundated with all kinds of messages about being consumers. The messages imply that in order to be cool and happy you need to wear certain clothes, have the right shoes on your feet, have a smart phone in your pocket, drive the right car, live in the right […]

It’s All About Me, Right?

Tips to Avoid Raising an Entitled Child We’ve all been there. That moment in the store when we watch a parent cave to the demands of their child and think, “I would never let that happen with my child. I have no intention of raising an entitled kid.” Oh wait, that’s not at all how […]

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