Road Rage

woman with road rage

Harmful to Your Health and to Others According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over six million crashes occur in the United States each year, and a substantial number are estimated to be caused by aggressive driving. Aggressive driving occurs on a continuum – the lower end accounts for calm drivers with normal frustrations […]

The Golden Years

senior couple holding hands and looking at each other while walking down the beach

10 Ways to be Happier & Healthier While Meeting Life’s Challenges For many, the phrase “the golden years” conjures up an image of a smiling senior couple holding hands in a pair of Adirondack chairs, sipping coffee and enjoying a beautiful sunrise. But as we all know, life’s many challenges can become even greater as […]

How To Make Time for Yourself

woman relaxing at home

Women are a staple in the modern work force. Young women in their teens and 20s have seen a woman run for president and watched their mothers, neighbors and community leaders achieve great success in the professional world. Those of us with a few more years under our belts have witnessed firsthand the advancement of […]

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