
Vaginal Health

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that a woman make her first appointment with a gynecologist when she is between the ages of

Breast Care

Women in the United States get breast cancer more than any other type of cancer. However, thanks to improvements in treatment and early detection, millions


Humans cannot live without blood. Without blood, the body’s organs wouldn’t get the oxygen and nutrients they need to survive. The body itself wouldn’t be

man with a hernia

Lump in Abdomen?

Q. I noticed the other day that I had a lump in the lower part of my abdomen. A friend of mine said it may

Back & Neck

Up to 20 percent of all injuries that occur in sports involve the lower back or neck. Sports that involve repetitive impact commonly cause damage

Broken Bones

Fractures are commonly referred to as broken bones. There are many types of fractures, but the main categories are displaced, non-displaced, open and closed. Displaced

The Eyes Have It

Most of us open our eyes each morning and expect to see. We can’t imagine a world without sight, but just because our vision is

Mapping Out Hope

The route to understanding medical mysteries such as the why of diseases, including cancer, has totally taken new turns since the Human Genome Project was

Dental Emergencies

Knowing what steps to take in a dental emergency can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. The best rule to follow in


Advancing with new technology and practices, orthodontics brings teeth, lips, and jaws into proper alignment. Straight teeth function better, are easier to clean, and are

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