Managing Caregiver Stress

Caregiver Stress Helping Hands

While helping a loved one cope with disability, illness, or the effects of aging can make you feel useful and caring, it can also take a huge toll on you. Even if you don’t think of yourself as an official “caregiver,” providing help daily can often result in significant levels of stress. Learning how to […]

Aging and Depression

Aging Well Aging and Depression Mature Distressed Woman

One of the most common mental health issues facing older adults today, depression is more than just “the blues.” Fortunately, it’s treatable. What Is Depression?  When most people think about depression, they picture a condition in which people are always sad or “blue.” However, some people who are depressed may not experience an unhappy mood […]

Substance Abuse in Seniors

illustration of a glass of beer in chattanooga

For many people, the idea of substance abuse conjures up images of young adults at 3 a.m. closing down a bar. But in reality, this problem often creeps up on the elderly, creating new, potentially chronic health complications. How can you recognize the signs of substance abuse in a loved one and get them the […]

Managing Mental Health

elderly woman depressed in chattanooga mental health

In today’s society, women are expected to have it all. From a dream job to a spotless home, the pressure to be perfect can be overpowering. That’s why mental health conditions like anxiety and depression run rampant among women of all ages, and they can be just as problematic as physical ailments. With proper identification […]

Addressing Anxiety

Anxious woman with hand on head, anxiety in chattanooga

With much of our society centered around the goal of achieving success and happiness, it’s easy to understand why anxiety is so prevalent. Students and young adults often face anxiety about the uncertainty of their futures, adults deal with the pressures of having successful careers and earning enough money, and parents worry about making the […]

Just One More: Overeating When Stressed

empty plate with crumbs

How Emotions & Eating Can Be Linked Have you ever had a bad day, only to come home and drown your sorrows in a pint of ice cream? Or do stressful work deadlines have you longing for your own personal pizza? Indulging in these enticing, yet not-quite-healthy foods is acceptable when eaten in moderation – […]

Ketamine Infusion Therapy

ketamine infusion therapy treating mental health disorders intravenously in chattanooga

What is Ketamine Infusion Therapy? Ketamine infusion is an intravenous therapy for those suffering from mental health disorders who are considered treatment-resistant. While ketamine has been used in emergency rooms and hospitals as a pain-blocking anesthetic for decades, its ability to reverse depressive symptoms has been a more recent discovery. Who Might Need Ketamine Infusion […]

The 411 on FOMO

FOMO: Real Effects of This Social Anxiety While the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) disorder is often regarded with a bit of skepticism, it is a very real branch of social anxiety that can impact your health and happiness. Here, local licensed professional counselor, Julie Brown, shares her thoughts and insightful advice for identifying and […]

Stressed Out

stressed out woman's silhouette with fingers pinching bridge of nose chattanooga

As the clever quip suggests, “You can do anything but not everything.” Unfortunately, in today’s society, women are expected to be everyday superheroes with fulfilling careers, perfect kids, and spotless homes. These ever-mounting pressures are causing women to feel stressed out on a consistent and alarming basis. And what’s worse? Excessive stress can begin to […]

Dealing with Depression

dealing with depression chattanooga

More than seven million adults over the age of 65 suffer from a form of depression. Fortunately, there are ways you can help loved ones who may be experiencing more than just “the blues.” We call them the “Golden Years.” Retirement means freedom—time to spend on hobbies, travel, and enjoying life’s milestones with children and grandchildren. So […]

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