
assorted nuts separated in bowls

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut

It looks like nuts have finally won their decades-long battle for nutrition respect. When eaten in moderation, nuts are being recognized as an important part

Arugula with Steak, Lemon & Parmesan

Arugula with Steak, Lemon & Parmesan Recipe

Eruca sativa, or arugula, is a salad green with a rich, pungent taste. Packed with vitamins, the plant has been affectionately dubbed “nature’s multi-vitamin.” PinPrint

Lentil & Coucous Salad with Arugula

Lentil & Couscous Salad with Arugula Recipe

Eruca sativa, or arugula, is a salad green with a rich, pungent taste. Packed with vitamins, the plant has been affectionately dubbed “nature’s multi-vitamin.” PinPrint

arugula cakes

Local Arugula Cakes Recipe

Eruca sativa, or arugula, is a salad green with a rich, pungent taste. Packed with vitamins, the plant has been affectionately dubbed “nature’s multi-vitamin.” Here

healthy bowl of colorful food

Color Your Diet

While the packages on grocery store shelves may attract you with colorful cardboard containers, inside they may contain drab substances and chemicals with names most


Soluble vs. Insoluble Fiber

All dietary fibers are either soluble or insoluble; soluble fiber dissolves in water, insoluble fiber does not. To some degree, these differences determine how each

olive oil

Beyond Olive Oil

5 Healthy Cooking Oils You Should Try Locked into the multipurpose olive and canola oils? You may be missing out on some great ways to

array of dairy products with light blue background


It Does a Body Good Got Milk? We’re all familiar with this popular phrase. Featuring celebrities and athletes adorned with perfect milk mustaches, the dairy

healthy veggies

Whole Foods for Wholesome Eating

Eating takes up a big part of our waking hours and we spend a lot of money just to feed ourselves. But with the variety

Eating Heart Healthy

10 Heart-Smart Dietary Habits 1. Avoid partially hydrogenated oil. Partially hydrogenated oil, also called trans fat, raises “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and lowers “good” (HDL) cholesterol.

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