Hydration Explained

hydration explained | graphic waves in various shades of blue

What to Know About Water Intake It’s no secret that water is crucial to our health. Water makes up two thirds of the human body, which depends on it to survive and maintain every bodily function. While it’s common knowledge that water and hydration go hand in hand, knowing how much to drink is equally […]

Flu-Fighting Foods


The Best Dishes for When You Are Sick Flu season is around the corner, and while preventative measures such as vaccination and hand washing can mitigate risk, up to 20% of the U.S. population is infected by influenza each year. When sick, it’s crucial to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy, nutritious diet. The right […]

The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

photo of a bowl of yogurt with blackberries and blueberries

Fast Facts on Fermented Foods The Surprising Health Benefits of Fermentation When you think of superfoods in the health world, pickles and sauerkraut probably aren’t the first things that come to mind. Yet, thanks to numerous studies, we now know that those who regularly include fermented foods in their diet can reap some serious health […]

7 Signs You Have a Nutrient Deficiency

Whether due to allergies, accessibility, time constraints, or food preferences, it’s not always easy to eat a balanced diet – which, unfortunately, can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Even if you are meeting your daily quota of fruits and veggies, how do you know for sure that you’re getting enough of the vitamins and minerals you […]

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

vegan foods with protein

Your Pressing Protein Questions, Answered Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet. This macronutrient promotes muscle growth, enhances immunity, and fuels your energy, among other important functions. But in a world that’s inundated with protein products – everything from shakes and smoothies to powders and bars – is it possible to get more […]

Anti-Aging Foods

It’s no secret that a healthy, radiant complexion is a product of how we eat, but some foods take it one step further and actually combat premature signs of aging. Here’s what you need to know. Although the fountain of youth is just a myth, science suggests that there is a way to influence how […]

Breakfast Breakdown

Avocado toast with an egg and tomatoes for the perfect breakfast.

Why Your Morning Meal Matters You’ve heard it said all your life: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But is this adage based on any real science, or is it just something moms say to get their kids to finish their cereal? Considering that nearly one-fourth of Americans skip breakfast consistently, it’s […]

Nutrition As We Age

A healthy diet is always important, whether you’re three, 43, or 73, but especially as you age and your body’s needs change. Good nutrition can help prevent certain diseases – many of which older adults are at a greater risk of developing. Studies have also shown that a healthy diet can extend one’s lifespan by […]

Healthy Eating Tips for Busy People

It’s 8 a.m. You slept through your alarm and are now running out the door to make your morning meeting, grabbing a pre-packaged granola bar as you go. Your morning meetings run long, so you DoorDash a quick lunch (if you remember to eat at all) and scarf it down before your next appointment. A […]

An Introduction to Iron

What You Need to Know Unless you’re living on ice cream and salad dressing, there’s a good chance you’re consuming iron – an essential nutrient – in your daily diet. Most of us know we need it, but what exactly does iron do, and how can you make sure you’re getting enough? Here, we’re addressing […]

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