
woman doing yoga pose

Yoga: A Guide

Find the Right Style of Yoga for You Hatha Described as “the yoga from which all others descend,” Hatha is a slow-paced, basic form of

A mixed ethnicity group of men and woman practice different yoga forms and positions in a bright well lit studio. They are in the one legged downward dog position ( Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana )

Introduction to Yoga

All About Yoga For many, the visual that springs to mind when they think of yoga is a long, lean woman in tight-fitting clothing sitting

woman doing weight training

Weight Training for Women

Enhancing Health and Beauty The free-weights area of the local gym is often a complete mystery for women. They steal a glance at the rows

business woman holding a gym bag

Staying Fit On the Road

For most of us, hopping on a plane means throwing caution to the wind and enjoying a destination we’ve been looking forward to for some

woman doing water aerobics

Water Aerobics

You don’t have to be a pro swimmer to get fit while making a splash. Water fitness, or water aerobics, is a great fitness option for

smiling woman drinking water

Keep Your Cool

3 Fabrics to Help Your Beat the Summer Heat Heat illness is no joke. Historically, from 1979 to 2003, excessive heat exposure caused 8,015 deaths

woman working out with a dumbbell

Strength Training

Accomplishing What Other Workouts Can’t Most Americans, regardless of their fitness level, have a little fluffiness somewhere on their bodies. For some it’s a little

woman stretching before her workout

Stretching – A Routine for Life

The health benefits of cardiovascular exercise have been burned into the collective consciousness of American consumers since Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons were on the

sweating female athlete

Staying Safe & Fit

In The Summer Heat Summer is a wonderful time for exercise. Gym rats can switch gears for a few months and trade in their treadmills

senior couple rowing

Row Your Way to Better Health

Rowing in Chattanooga has a rich history. First started in 1876, the city is now home to top rowing teams and rowing events in the

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