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Mental Health

woman upset in front of a christmas tree

More than the Winter Blues

Recognizing and Treating Seasonal Depression Shorter days, decreasing sunlight, and erratic temperatures mark the changing of the seasons. While it’s easy to look forward to

mature women power walking and socializing and talking to each other

The Importance of Socialization

Making an effort to socialize with friends and family can not only make you happier, it has many health benefits too. Mind and body respond

illustrations of addictive substances and behaviors in chattanooga identify addictions

Identifying Addiction

Learn How to Recognize Addiction The term “addiction” often calls to mind drug users and gamblers. But addiction – a complex disease that affects millions

Caregiver Stress Helping Hands

Managing Caregiver Stress

While helping a loved one cope with disability, illness, or the effects of aging can make you feel useful and caring, it can also take

Aging Well Aging and Depression Mature Distressed Woman

Aging and Depression

One of the most common mental health issues facing older adults today, depression is more than just “the blues.” Fortunately, it’s treatable. What Is Depression?

illustration of a glass of beer in chattanooga

Substance Abuse in Seniors

For many people, the idea of substance abuse conjures up images of young adults at 3 a.m. closing down a bar. But in reality, this

elderly woman depressed in chattanooga mental health

Managing Mental Health

In today’s society, women are expected to have it all. From a dream job to a spotless home, the pressure to be perfect can be

Anxious woman with hand on head, anxiety in chattanooga

Addressing Anxiety

With much of our society centered around the goal of achieving success and happiness, it’s easy to understand why anxiety is so prevalent. Students and

ketamine infusion therapy treating mental health disorders intravenously in chattanooga

Ketamine Infusion Therapy

What is Ketamine Infusion Therapy? Ketamine infusion is an intravenous therapy for those suffering from mental health disorders who are considered treatment-resistant. While ketamine has

The 411 on FOMO

FOMO: Real Effects of This Social Anxiety While the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) disorder is often regarded with a bit of skepticism, it is

stressed out woman's silhouette with fingers pinching bridge of nose chattanooga

Stressed Out

As the clever quip suggests, “You can do anything but not everything.” Unfortunately, in today’s society, women are expected to be everyday superheroes with fulfilling

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