Mental Health

woman with airport anxiety looking outside through airport window

Reducing Airport Anxiety

Tips for Stress-Free Travel Even if you’re excited to go on vacation or see long-distance friends and family, traveling can be a source of anxiety.

teen mental health | graphic illustration of mother comforting distressed teen daughter

Supporting Teen Mental Health

Teen Mental Health: How to Support Growing Pains From experiencing big emotions and hormonal changes to navigating major life events, teenaged years are tumultuous by

graphic illustration of person with clouds around their head

Mental Health in the Moment

Go-To Grounding Techniques When difficult emotions build up, causing anxious or depressive thoughts, it can be a challenge to stay in the present moment. Grounding

illustration of man venting to his therapist

How to Choose a Therapist

Picking the Right Professional Looking for a new therapist? With some careful planning and support from others, you can take the next step in your

Plate of measuring tape on top of brain illustration

The Hidden Side of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are serious conditions characterized by unhealthy patterns of food consumption – typically either eating too much or too little. Contrary to what the

Bipolar Disorder illustration

Bipolar 1 vs. Bipolar 2

Two Sides of the Coin Bipolar disorder is a commonly known condition, but not many people know about the differences between bipolar 1 and bipolar

illustration of grieving person with raincloud over their head

Grieving Later in Life

How Elderly People Experience Loss Differently It is an unfortunate fact that the longer a person lives, the more loss they will experience, but grieving

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