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Water’s Benefits for Your Skin

Water, Water Everywhere

There’s no doubt that drinking water is immensely beneficial to your health.

It is proven to aid in weight loss, to improve circulatory health, to help your body detox, to maintain proper organ function, and more. Drinking water can even help improve the health of your body’s largest organ – your skin. Read on to see how water benefits your skin’s health and how to increase your daily water intake.


Drinking a healthy amount of water each day helps your body rid itself of toxins from the colon, kidneys, blood, and cells. Water helps organs perform their processes correctly, including the colon and kidneys, which filter toxins from the body. Drinking enough water helps your cells receive nutrients and expel waste. When cells and organs are functioning properly, and toxins are leaving the body, it is often reflected in the health and improved appearance of your skin.

Inner Hydration

We all know the importance of topical facial moisturizers. But did you know that drinking plenty of water helps the lower layers of your skin stay hydrated? Dehydrated skin can often be misdiagnosed as dry skin, which only calls for topical moisturizers. However, dehydrated skin indicates a lack of water intake and can lead to emphasized wrinkles and creases.

Improved Blood Flow

Water helps your body maintain healthy circulation, which in turn helps maintain skin’s vitality, function, and coloration. This is because plasma, which accounts for more than half of your blood volume, is composed of nearly 93% water.

woman pouring a glass of water

6 Ways to Drink More Water

So if you’re thinking, like most people, that you need to increase your water intake, here are a few ideas to help you keep the glass half full:

1. Use your phone

There are numerous apps that provide reminders and keep track of how much water you drink daily.

2. Keep it nearby

It’s hard to pull yourself away from your work, or stop what you’re doing to go grab some water. Instead, try to always have a bottle or glass of water nearby: on your desk, in your purse, or on the nightstand.

3. Eat water-rich foods

Foods like celery, lettuce, and melon have a high water concentration. You can add these to your diet to increase your water intake and subsequent hydration.

4. Find a fitting filter

For tastier water, choose a water filter that works best for your lifestyle. If you don’t like space taken up in your fridge, try a faucet filter; if you’re always on the go, look for a filtering water bottle. If it fits your needs, you’re more likely to use it.

5. Choose sparkling over soda

If you’re trying to kick sodas, opt for sparkling water to achieve the same effervescent mouthfeel as you transition away from sugary beverages.

6. Add a flavor

If you find it more of a chore to drink your water because it’s flavorless, find a flavor that makes water a treat. Squeeze a lemon, lime, or orange into it, or prepare a bottle or pitcher with mint leaves and cucumber.

Hands being washed under a stream of water in chattanooga

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