Makeover Your Sandwich: 6 Ways to Make it Healthier

6 Ways to Make it Healthier

No one’s exactly sure who invented the sandwich, but most say it was the fourth Earl of Sandwich, who in the 1700s set the trend by publicly eating a piece of beef between toasted bread slices. In the centuries since, sandwiches have evolved into one of the world’s favorite meals, and they’ve come a long way from just beef and toast. Here are six nutritious (and delicious) sandwich makeover tips that the fourth Earl of Sandwich probably wishes he’d known.

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1. Switch the bread.

Sandwich bread isn’t limited to just white or wheat. From ciabatta to focaccia to bagels to wraps, tasty alternatives abound, so why not ditch the boring bread you’ve gotten used to?

dinner bread roll

2. Change the spread.

Mayo and mustard will never go out of style, but to make your sandwich shine, why not try a swipe of hummus or a smooth avocado spread? Or, opt for pesto or a vinaigrette dressing. Can’t do without mayonnaise? Try mixing it up with some chopped fresh herbs or even red pepper flakes for a spicy punch.

3. Choose a cool cheese.

Calcium-rich cheese is a great sandwich addition, and it provides lots of flavor and texture. Instead of the Kraft Singles© you probably have lurking in your fridge, try something new. Crumble blue cheese or feta onto your turkey sandwich. Melt mozzarella over your meatball sub. Spread ricotta over toast and drizzle with honey. The possibilities are endless! 

various cheeses on cheese tray

4. Modify your PBJ.

Peanut butter and jelly is a kindergarten favorite, but since your palate has probably matured since then, consider using a different type of nut butter and a jelly substitute. Cashew butter and almond butter are full of healthy fats and nutrients. Instead of sugary jelly, try sliced strawberries, raisins, or bananas. Can’t pass on peanut butter? Look for one that is 100% natural with no added sugars.

cashew butter with jelly substitute

5. Add an egg.

Eggs are a great way to add protein to your sandwich, and they’re not just for breakfast! Whether you prefer scrambled, fried, or boiled, eggs complement lots of different sandwich types. Slice up a hard-boiled egg and add it to a warm grilled sandwich, or scramble up eggs and cheese for a breakfast-inspired lunch on toast. Fried eggs can top anything from a burger to a grilled cheese.

three eggs in a bowl

6. Make it a mini.

Trying to cut back on calorie count? Consider making your sandwich a mini. Finger sandwiches are a fun way to control portion size, and you can’t beat the cuteness. Layer your toppings onto small dinner rolls, or simply cut your bread into four pieces to achieve a mini masterpiece.

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