Local Food Resolutions

Making resolutions can establish positive changes in your diet, contributing to your overall health and happiness! These local ladies share how they’ve made their resolutions stick despite busy lives and inevitable cravings.

"As a fan of all things sweet, it’s been an ongoing resolution for me to limit my sugar intake. I started by cutting back on diet soda several years ago. I’ve learned that not using artificial sweeteners helps diminish cravings for sweets. Switching to black coffee has also made a huge difference. For me, it seems sweet begets sweet, so I’m better off not starting down that slippery slope in the first place. I’ve found that eating more protein and less refined carbohydrates at each meal helps keep me on a more even keel. Farro, zucchini noodles, and cauliflower rice are favorite substitutes at our house, especially since my fantastic husband Mike is an even more fantastic cook and makes all these healthier options absolutely delicious!”
Suzy Costa
North Chattanooga
"As a mom of three, it only takes a kid getting sick or a busy week of after-school activities to derail my best efforts of eating healthy. Two years ago, as a New Year’s resolution, I decided I had to slow down and get back to a healthy eating lifestyle, for myself as well as for my family. I began by tossing out all sodas and juices and replacing the kids’ processed/packaged snacks with real fruits and vegetables. I swapped refined grains for whole grains and drastically reduced seasoning with salts, instead using fresh herbs. I now consistently cook with my Crock-Pot, creating weekly meals which consist of various vegetables and proteins. I’ve learned that a healthy family is a happy family!”
Melanie Settles
North Chattanooga
"When making New Year’s resolutions, we often go in with unrealistic goals that involve quitting something cold turkey, or we go to the extreme to ‘get healthy this year.’ But I’ve found that consistency is the key to lasting nutritional success. A few years ago, I decided to make a change in my diet in order to see better results from the work I put in at the gym. I started with meal prepping, and I began using MyFitnessPal to keep myself accountable for what I was eating and to track my macronutrients. With the help of this app, I became much more aware of what I put into my body. I’ve continued to eat pretty healthy, but I also indulge in food that I love on occasion, too. When you find the right balance – think the 80/20 rule (80% healthy choices, 20% margaritas and queso) – the results will follow.”
Melo Russell
Red Bank

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