Green Salad with Rotisserie Chicken and Blackberry Dressing
servingsSweet, tart summer blackberries add the perfect finishing touch to this fresh salad.
- 1 cup
- 1/4 cup
champagne vinegar or white wine vinegar
- 1/4 cup
extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
- 4 cups
mixed salad
- 4 cups
chopped romaine lettuce
- 1
cucumber, thinly sliced
- 2 cups
shredded rotisserie chicken
Put half of the blackberries into a large bowl and mash with a whisk until they lose their shape and release their juice. Then stir in vinegar.
Drizzle oil into blackberry mixture in a thin stream while whisking constantly to make a dressing. Season with salt and pepper.
Add salad greens, romaine, and cucumbers to bowl with dressing and toss gently to coat.
Arrange salad on plates and top with chicken and remaining blackberries.
Drizzle with any dressing left in the bowl and serve.
Nutrition Facts (per serving):
- Calories—240 | Total Fat—16g | Saturated Fat —2.5g | Cholesterol —20mg | Sodium—580mg | Carbohydrate—15g | Dietary Fiber —4g | Protein—11g
Facts about Blackberries:
Did You Know?
Blackberries have one of the highest antioxidant levels of any fruit. They’re also rich in vitamin C and fiber, which have been shown to help reduce the risks of certain cancers. Blackberries are low in calories and carbohydrates and have no fat, which makes them popular in low carb and low calorie diets.
How to Choose:
Blackberries should have a rich, deep purple-y black hue. Pass up berries with hulls attached, as this indicates premature picking. Check them for mold, and bypass containers that are sticky or stained.
Storing Wisdom:
Place your unwashed blackberries in a single layer on a plate and cover them loosely. Then place them into the refrigerator, where they’ll last for two to three days.