Beyond Olive Oil

5 Healthy Cooking Oils You Should Try

Locked into the multipurpose olive and canola oils? You may be missing out on some great ways to flavor your dishes in a heart-healthy manner. Oils are generally lower in artery-clogging saturated fats, and chock full of antioxidants and heart healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. And because they’re extracted from different plant sources—like nuts, olives and seeds—each offers its own unique flavor.

Mono = Monounsaturated Fat (Good)

Poly = Polyunsaturated Fat (Good

Sat = Saturated Fat (Bad)

*Smoke point refers to the temperature range at which the oil begins to smoke and produces toxic fumes and harmful free radicals.

Sunflower Oil

79% Mono | 7% Poly | 14% Sat
Smoke Point:  high
Good For: high-heat frying, searing and browning
Quality: colorless and flavorless (has a neutral taste)
Tip: seek out high-oleic versions—they’re higher in monounsaturated fat and boast impressive levels of vitamin E

olive oil

Avocado Oil

65% Mono | 18% Poly | 17% Sat
Smoke Point: high
Good For: frying and high heat cooking because of its high smoke point, drizzled over finished dishes
Quality: emerald green color, sweet aroma, light and buttery
Tip: keep in a cool, dark cabinet away from heat and light (can be refrigerated but will solidify)

Toasted Sesame Oil

41% Mono | 44% Poly | 15% Sat
Smoke Point: medium; best used in cold applications
Good For: salad dressing or drizzling onto a finished dish to give it a toasty flavor and aroma; essential to Asian cooking
Quality: heavy, nutty flavor
Tip: use in small amounts so as not to overpower a dish with its extreme taste/concentrated flavor

Walnut Oil

24% Mono | 67% Poly | 9% Sat
Smoke Point: Medium; heating can remove some of the oil’s flavor and produce a slight bitterness
Good For: marinades and cold dishes, salad dressings, drizzling on roasted or steamed vegetables, baked goods that benefit from a light walnut flavor
Quality: light gold in color and delicate in flavor with a nutty quality
Tip: has a short self life, so store refrigerated, three to six months

Laxseed Oil

65% Mono | 28% Poly | 7% Sat
Smoke Point: no-heat oil
Good For: smoothies, fresh salad dressings
Quality: mild and nutty
Tip: keep chilled and use within two months of opening; high temperatures can destroy the fragile structure of the healthy fats in the oil

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