
happy little boy with skateboard

Fostering Uniqueness

Learn How to Parent Your Children Based on Their Individual Personalities Gena and Ed Ellis have three children, ages 21, 16, and 13. “We were

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Surprising Your Spouse

Relationship Tips from Local Ladies Marriage is a complex relationship that enriches many of our lives. However, coming up with creative ideas for ways to

kids in kayak with camp counselor

Local Summer Camp Profiles – Summer 2020

Silverdale Baptist Academy Summer Camps Silverdale Summer Camps provides children from preschool through 12th grade with opportunities for discovery and growth. Both morning and afternoon

little kids excited about going to summer camp

Happy Campers!

While going to a summer camp will be fun for your child, the majority of children who attend camp experience some level of anxiety and

kids paddling on a lake during summer camp

A Parents’ Guide to Camp

A rite of passage, summer camp is a time for kids to build confidence, make memories, and create lifelong friendships. In order to ensure your child

children swimming in the pool at summer camp

The Benefits of Camp

More than a mainstay of the childhood experience, summer camp offers a myriad of mental, emotional, and physical benefits for your child. Not only that,

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Balancing Time During the Holidays

How to Manage Time This Holiday Season This time of year is jam-packed with activities and events. From work to church to your community and

little girl in jeans and sneakers holding a teddy bear playing dress up in a wedding dress raising respectful significant others in chattanooga

Raising Respectful Significant Others

Not long ago, someone shared with me that her young adult daughter was complaining that there are no guys who are “marriage material.” Interestingly, I

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