
Bonding with Daddy

I’ll never forget watching a friend of mine hold his infant daughter for the first time. A robust, manly guy, his face was dripping with

woman kissing baby's cheek

Stopping Prejudice

Before It Starts Defined as “a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience,” prejudice is one of the biggest barriers to

family holding baby

Balancing Marriage, a Baby, and Friends

Sure, you’ve got more responsibilities now, but that doesn’t mean you have to kiss your relationships goodbye. First Things First President and CEO Julie Baumgardner

graphic illustration of family

Learning to Step-Parent Together

Blending two families can open new doors into love and life together, but it usually comes with growing pains. Here are some important things you can

spouses in a conflict

Fight Right

Arguing Well With Your Spouse Wondering about how much is too much when it comes to arguing with your spouse? It’s possible you could be

Raising Healthy Kids

As parents, we look after the health and wellness of our kids in hundreds of little ways every day. But sometimes, we can’t go it

Getting Up, Getting Out

Did you know that kids age 6 and older need at least one hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity? Here’s how you

woman looking away from her significant other

Falling for the Wrong Person

How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk Finding yourself in the same relationship rut again and again leads to confusion, frustration, and discouragement.

dad playing outdoors with son

Keeping Dad in the Picture

Children benefit the most from having both parties involved in their lives. Here’s how you can help keep it that way. According to the U.S.

Quality vs. Quantity Time with Dad

4 Ways Dads Can Foster a Close Relationship with Their Kids The issue of quantity vs. quality is a tough one, especially when it comes

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