
A Closer Look at COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is more common, and more deadly, than you might think. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI),

Sciatica: Understanding The Symptoms

What is sciatica?   Often misconstrued as a diagnosis all its own, sciatica is actually a set of symptoms that results from another medical condition.

Light therapy against seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Beat the Winter Blues

8 Ways to Cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Between 4% and 6% of people in the United States suffer from SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Feeling a little dizzy after that spill down the stairs? While you may be tempted to shrug it off in favor of that giant to-do

Protect Your Pregnancy

As you prepare to bring your baby into the world, it is important to pay close attention to factors that will ensure optimum health for

Taking Care of Teeth

Sometimes we forget that dental hygiene is a critical piece of overall health. Proper dental care should begin before your children even cut their first

Child Vaccinations

As citizens of the modern world, we tend to forget about diseases like polio, tetanus, and diphtheria. Even chickenpox and whooping cough are not illnesses

The Here and Now of Hearing

Certain physical changes associated with aging are more commonly accepted, or understood, than others. You can’t see as well as you could when you were

Putting a Halt to Hypertension

Commonly known as high blood pressure, hypertension is reaching epidemic levels in the United States. Here’s what you need to know about it. By Mike Haskew

Brain, Body, Spirit

Throughout life we learn about habits that can help us stay healthy. We know that eating fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, wearing sunscreen, and staying

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