Imposter Syndrome

Understanding and Overcoming False Feelings of Inadequacy Anyone who’s ever experienced a high-pressure situation is likely to be familiar with the gut-twisting feeling of self-doubt. In those moments, when success is more or less demanded, people who lack a strong internal sense of value may conjure up intrusive thoughts like, “Am I qualified?” or “Do […]

You + Social Media: 6 Healthy Boundaries

Girl looking at social media on her phone

Relationship Status: It’s Complicated For better or worse, the emergence and rapid evolution of social media have changed society as we know it. In real-time, users can post statuses, share photos, videos, blogs – you name it, and there’s probably a specific platform for it. These spaces were built to foster creative expression, community building, […]

Taking a Mental Health Day

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Burnout and declining mental health is becoming more and more prevalent in the United States at a troubling pace. In 2019, the National Institute of Mental Health reported that nearly 51.1 million U.S. adults live with a mental illness. In 2020, that number increased to 52.9 million. Unfortunately, stigmas surrounding mental healthcare prevent many from […]

Keeping Your Mind Sharp As You Age

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Getting older is a blessing. Aging means that you get decades of life to enjoy the world around you, grow as a person, and watch your loved ones grow as well. To make sure that you get the most out of your golden years, it’s important to keep not only your body in tip-top shape, […]

Maintaining Mental Health as You Age

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Annual Aging Well Section Growing older is a gift, but as you grow into your golden years, it’s important to stay on top of your health. Being mindful of health and wellness changes eases the aging process and prevents unnecessary worry so you can fully enjoy this season of life. Here, we talk to experts […]

What Women Need To Know About Stress and How To Overcome It

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Stronger Without Stress Stress doesn’t require a life-or-death circumstance to emerge. When your finances take a turn for the worse, anxious feelings settle in for the long haul. When you have overcommitted and the obligations start piling up, stress is there to convince you that 24 hours in a day are simply not enough.  While […]

Depression in Women

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Differences in Biology, Symptoms, and Risk Factors Depression comes in many forms. Approximately 1 in 6 people will experience depression at some point in their lives – but something that people often don’t know is that women are more likely to experience depression than men. In fact, roughly one-third of women will experience a major […]

Feeling Depressed? IV Therapy May Help

When you’re suffering from the symptoms of depression, you want to find a treatment that brings relief and restores some semblance of normalcy to your life. There are many options – medication, talk therapy, and brain stimulation, among others – but a newer one that holds promise is IV therapy.  Signs of Depression Clinical depression, […]

Debunking Myths About PTSD

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Experts Uncover the Truth Though post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is not particularly uncommon, it’s frequently misunderstood. The term often evokes a narrow view of the disorder, which can lead to stereotypes, such as a veteran startled by the sound of fireworks. However, it’s much more complex than that. Here, we’ve consulted with behavioral health experts […]

Borderline Personality Disorder

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5 Important Facts, Explained   Often misunderstood, borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be a difficult diagnosis to contend with on your own. Marked by a pattern of mood swings and unstable self-image, BPD often results in impulsive behavior and difficulties with relationships. However, awareness and understanding of BPD is growing, and there is help for […]

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