It’s easy to get into a routine when it comes to skin care, but if you’re still using the same face wash and moisturizer that you used in your teens, it might be time to adjust your regimen. Whether you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond, there are certain things you should do to keep your skin fresh, glowing, and healthy for years to come.
In Your 30's
In your 30s, the skin cell renewal process starts to slow, making skin appear duller than in previous decades. If you’re not exfoliating by now, it’s time to start.
Block out sun.
Since you’re not a carefree 20-something anymore, your skin care routine shouldn’t be carefree either. Use daily SPF to guard against wrinkle-causing sun damage now (not to mention potential skin cancer) and you won’t have to worry as much about smoothing lines down the road.
Use eye cream.

There’s a time for eye creams, and it’s definitely in your 30s. Thin skin around the eyes is bound to get wrinkles, but using an anti-aging eye cream can thicken skin.
In Your 40's
Now that your skin may be revealing sun spots, dark circles, and a dry complexion, it might be more tempting than ever to buy every product that promises results. But when it comes to your arsenal of skin care products, scale back. Try to pick your three or four favorite products, as some products can cancel each other out.
Cleanse gently.
A gentle cleanser, used in the morning and night, is all you’ll need to remove the day’s makeup, oils, dirt, and wrinkle-inducing free radicals. Opt for a creamy cleanser as opposed to a gel, as creams are designed to add moisture to the skin. Choose the best gentle face wash for you and use it twice a day to cleanse away impurities.
Use night cream.
If you didn’t start using night cream in your 30s, now’s the time. Use a prescription retinoid, which is a vitamin A derivative that reduces brown spots, boosts collagen to lessen fine lines, and helps speed the skin cell renewal process (making skill appear less dull). Use it two to three times a week at first. If your skin gets red or flaky, retinol might be a better choice for you. It’s a similar cream, but is more gentle.
Moisturize heavily.
Even if you’ve had oily skin your entire life, you’ll start to notice a change in your 40s. Hormone changes can cause a sudden lack of moisture, dehydrating skin and making it less luminous. Along with a richly moisturizing night cream, use a great moisturizer every morning.
In Your 50's and Beyond
Think beyond the face.
It’s a good idea to use moisturizer and cleansing products on your neck and jawline at any age, but you’ll really want to in your 50s. With skin becoming dryer, using creams on your neck, jawline, and even your chest will help keep dry skin smooth and moisturized.
Manage menopause.
By this point, you may be experiencing menopause, which can cause serious skin changes. You may be seeing the first signs of acne since your teenage years. This is because a decline in estrogen and an increase in testosterone can cause acne to resurface. Avoid harsh products, which can dry out your skin, and be sure to cleanse your face regularly.
Keep moisturizing.
Don’t stop moisturizing and applying plenty of SPF. Moisturizers replenish the natural oils in your skin, which are reduced due to estrogen loss. Look for a moisturizer with built-in SPF.