How to Manage Time This Holiday Season
This time of year is jam-packed with activities and events. From work to church to your community and more, it seems like there’s always a commitment on your calendar. If you feel so booked that you can’t enjoy the time you have with loved ones, you’re not alone. But these local ladies have shared a few secrets on how they’ve adjusted their mindsets, and their schedules, to make the most of the holiday season!
I am not sure that I have mastered the task of a perfect balance just yet. However, I do believe that during the holidays, as well as throughout the year, you have to determine what your non-negotiables are. Once these (my children’s band concerts, school and church plays, and established family traditions) have been determined, I place them on both my work and family calendars. That causes me to be mindful not to schedule or commit myself to any other engagements. My family is very important to me, and being ‘present’ for these events is at the very top of my list of priorities.”
Dr. Marsha Drake
Finding balance during the holidays is always a challenge. Between school performances, parties, shopping, and preparing for the big day, it can be easy to lose sight of what is really important. We plan out ‘family holiday movie night’ every Sunday, and we schedule other annual traditions well in advance so that we can work them into our busy family schedule. We committed to spending less time worrying about elaborate gifts for each other and more about spending time creating memories as the years with our kids pass quickly. From picking out our perfect tree to pulling out cherished family decorations and even loudly singing our favorite Christmas carols on the way to school and soccer, we make the little moments count. The holiday spirit is easy to keep as long as you remember the people who matter most!”
Ashley Stinson
After the loss of my husband, I learned you need to adapt and make new traditions. My son recently got married, and we will make new traditions once again with my new daughter. Since juggling families will be new for them, I don’t want to create any additional stress and will be appreciative of any time I get. I’ve learned to be intentional with my time, squeezing in as much holiday cheer with family and friends and not sweating the small stuff. I also try to stay open to spontaneous gatherings with the ones I hold dear. And after years of overcommitting, I have finally become more comfortable saying ‘no’ when I need to.”
Linda Shriver-Buckner