
Sports Injuries Overview

Sports are a great way to stay healthy…but also an easy way to get hurt. More and more, athletes are injuring themselves out of competition


Types of Fractures The two main types of fractures seen in sports are stress fractures and acute fractures. By Brian Beise Full PDF here. Stress

Foot and Ankle Injuries

Your feet do a lot of work when you play a sport, usually bearing the entire weight of the body. So it comes as no

Bringing Back the Black Bag

For Dr. Mukta Panda of Erlanger Health System, viewing a patient solely as a set of symptoms just won’t cut it. A fierce advocate for

Chest Pains

Heart Attack, Or Something Else? At the first twinge of a dull, burning sensation in the chest, we immediately think “heart attack!” But is it

Type 2 Diabetes

Could Your Kids be at Risk?  Diabetes, a chronic condition that affects how the body metabolizes sugar, is one of the most common chronic diseases

teen boy with wisdom tooth cyst

Wisdom Tooth Cyst

Q: My son has developed a cyst around an impacted wisdom tooth! What do we need to do now? A: A cyst is benign but can

Belly Fat

“Pot belly,” “love handles,” “spare tire” and “beer belly” are all terms that have been jokingly used to describe the excess fat that accumulates in

Appendicitis in Kids

How many times do parents hear this cry from their children? How is a parent supposed to react? More than likely, the child is hungry,

Thoughtful man looking out the window

The Fall and Winter Blues

Seasonal Affective Disorder Imagine this: On the first day of winter, the sun rises at 11:23 a.m. and sets at 3:29 p.m. These days of

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