
Pain, Pain, Go Away

Experts estimate that nearly 80% of people will experience a back problem at some time during their lives.  If you’re one of the many who

Female patient in the dentist's office

Smile Bright How to Get Whiter Teeth – Fast

Add Shine to Your Smile Looking to correct those yellow surface stains? Maybe it’s time to consider professional care. If over-the-counter toothpastes, mouthwashes, and whitening strips just aren’t

Cataracts FAQ

It’s easy to take vision for granted when it’s working right. And when you’ve gone for decades using your eyes during every moment of your

Living Well With Rheumatoid Arthritis

While doctors and researchers have yet to find a cure for this chronic inflammatory disease, new management treatments are offering hope to thousands of RA patients across the

Is It Autism?

Understanding what it is—and what it’s not There is a great deal of confusion surrounding the word “autism.” In today’s world, describing someone as “autistic”

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