
Considering Contacts?

Tired of the way your glasses look or feel? If you’re making the switch to contact lenses, there are multiple types available, so check out

The 411 on FOMO

FOMO: Real Effects of This Social Anxiety While the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) disorder is often regarded with a bit of skepticism, it is

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Keeping Your Heart Healthy

Learn the facts, the symptoms, and how to reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease – the number one killer of women. Remember that saying from

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Stressed Out

As the clever quip suggests, “You can do anything but not everything.” Unfortunately, in today’s society, women are expected to be everyday superheroes with fulfilling

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Managing Menopause

Menopause. A transition many women approach with great trepidation. The hot flashes, the mood swings, and the unwelcome reminder that you’re getting older. While healthy

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Is It Your Thyroid?

What if all those things you feel powerless to overcome — moodiness, weight gain, lethargy — aren’t really your fault? Meet your thyroid! It’s the

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Knowledge is Power

Bones. Short of nursing a break back to health, you probably don’t think about them much. In fact, according to a survey by the National

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What Are the Stages of Labor?

6 Stages of Labor and Delivery From the first contractions to the final push, learn what to expect from labor and delivery. You’ve made it

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