
Mother and daughter at home having a talk at home

It’s Your Role…

How to Have a Strong Mother-Daughter Relationship I remember growing up thinking my mom was overprotective and out of touch. It seemed like we butted

mother and child having fun in a swimming pool

Pool Rules

It’s summer and the kids are hot. A day at the pool, whether it’s your own, a neighbor’s or the community’s, is the perfect solution.

mother and daughter smiling in a photo together

Who is in Charge?

Navigating Parenthood: Setting Up Boundaries and Limits for Your Children Not long ago, I was at the mall where I witnessed an exchange between a

Friend comforts fellow student after he has been bullied outside the elementary school building, Other students in background laugh at boy behind his back.

From Teasing to Torment: Bullying

Effects of Bullying What parent hasn’t recited the familiar adage: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” True, an

school children going inside school building

Off To School

On the Right Foot! It’s hard to believe that it’s that time again. Setting the alarm clock, packing lunches, dealing with homework, and trying to

teen listening to parents argue

A World Turned Upside Down

Supporting Teens Through Their Parents’ Divorce I was 18 when my father announced he was divorcing my mother. My sister and brother were 13 and

Go Play Outside

Nature-Deficit Disorder Gone are the days of neighborhoods filled with the voices of children riding bikes, climbing trees and playing ball in the yard into

Smiling man embracing boy in bedroom. Happy father is looking away with son at home. They are spending leisure time.

Dads Make a Difference

The Impact of Father Involvement Would you like your children to: Do well in school, have healthy self-esteem, exhibit empathy and prosocial behavior, and avoid

An Empty Nest…Now What?

Visits to the playground, long walks in the stroller, dance lessons, horseback riding, flying kites, the father/daughter dance, basketball, homework, summer camps, Youth Trust and

Child Bribery

The Problem with Bribing We’ve all been there. What starts out as a quick trip to the grocery store turns into an epic battle of

upset teen girl being cyberbullied


Parents-Be Aware & Be Productive Perhaps the most widely known incident of cyberbullying is the Megan Meier case, a then 13-year-old from Missouri who became

teen girl in counseling

Teen Drug & Alcohol Abuse

How Parents Can Recognize and Prevent It Substance abuse can be a major threat to the health and well-being of teenagers. Alcohol and drugs change

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