
graphic illustration of child struggling to concentrate in class

Back to School

Reading, Writing, & ADHD ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is estimated to affect 8 to 10% of school-aged children. With the new school year in full

mom adjusting her son's uniform

Helping Children Achieve Real Success

Could our culture of self-esteem be keeping our kids from learning important life lessons? We have probably all witnessed a scene like this: a child

kids trick or treating carrying pumpkin buckets

Healthy Halloween

Keep Trick-or-Treating Fun and Safe Between the ghosts, the goblins, the candy, and the costumes, some kids look forward to Halloween all year long. With

lunch box with healthy fruits and sandwiches

Helping Kids with Portion Control

It’s important for adults to keep portions under control, but it’s equally important to teach kids at a young age to practice healthy portion and

a young family enjoying spending time together

Six Rules to Raise Your Children By

It seems like now, more than ever before, parents are questioning how to raise their children. They are asking questions like: How do you teach

Keys to Keeping Your Kids Healthy

As adults, we have the power to control many aspects of our own health. We choose our diet, set our own exercise routines, and make

Healthy Milestones

Parenting has always been a bit of a mystery. No two children are the same. Even if you’ve raised one or two already, you can

Teen Sexting

Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and iChat: When it comes to technology, it’s hard to keep up with the younger, totally tech-savvy generation. While some parents are

Make Bedtime Easier

1. Turn off all electronics. That means the TV, computer, video games—anything that could be overly stimulating. Shut everything off at least 1 hour before

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