
Folded Clothes in Chattanooga

The Importance of Chores

Benefits of Chores in Children’s Maturation As a working mom, I often felt like I had two jobs, if not three. I worked, did household

Sarah Brogdon on chatting with your children in chattanooga

Chatting with Your Children

Women Share Their Favorite Conversation Starters With the school year underway, those morning and afternoon car rides, family dinners, or nights doing homework can become

happy smiling mother hugging her son in chattanooga

The Key to Your Child’s Heart

If you are not familiar with The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman, the basic premise is that most of us go through

angry teens sitting back to back

Teaching Teens to Resolve Conflict

Imagine that your teen comes home and tells you someone she believes to be her friend is saying untrue things about her. Inevitably, this news

family kayaking on the Tennessee river in chattanooga

Summer Fun

With the end of the school year upon us, now is a wonderful time to find fun, creative, and healthy ways to spend time with

mom holding her daughter's hand

Helicopter Parenting

Recognizing Unhealthy Patterns After teaching a lot of parenting classes over the last 20 years, I can tell you with certainty that most parents have

colorful pills tablets and capsules chattanooga opioid abuse in teens

Addressing Opioid Abuse in Teens

Opioid Abuse is a growing epidemic in society today – and it’s reaching our youth. In 2015, two million Americans reported a substance use disorder

illustration of people on social media around a laptop with facebook pulled up

Social Media-Altered Socialization

Children and Teen Socialization in the Age of Social Media With new social media platforms being invented daily, today’s younger generations are growing up under

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