Diseases & Conditions

Heart Attacks: Signs & Symptoms

We’ve all scolded our husbands, brothers, or fathers for eating too much red meat or sprinkling excessive salt. We’re used to hearing that men need

Pain, Pain, Go Away

Experts estimate that nearly 80% of people will experience a back problem at some time during their lives.  If you’re one of the many who

Cataracts FAQ

It’s easy to take vision for granted when it’s working right. And when you’ve gone for decades using your eyes during every moment of your

Living Well With Rheumatoid Arthritis

While doctors and researchers have yet to find a cure for this chronic inflammatory disease, new management treatments are offering hope to thousands of RA patients across the

Is It Autism?

Understanding what it is—and what it’s not There is a great deal of confusion surrounding the word “autism.” In today’s world, describing someone as “autistic”

Taking a Stand Against Colon Cancer

With over 120,000 new cases of colon and rectal cancer projected by the American Cancer Society in 2014, colorectal cancer (the term for both colon

Surviving Seasonal Allergies

The Scenic City is teaming with outdoor activities and spring is one of the best times to get out and enjoy them. Unfortunately, it is

Understanding Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)

Any problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat—such as beating too quickly, beating too slowly, or beating with an irregular rhythm—is called an

What to Know About Bone Density

The scoop on keeping bones strong and healthy as you age—from testing and diet to supplements and exercise. By Jenna Haines It might be time

Shin Splints

Many of us have dealt with shin splints, but we may not know much about them. So we asked Matt Provenzano of Summit Physical Therapy

Spinal Fractures: From Mild to Severe

The spinal column is made up of three sections of vertebrae: the cervical vertebrae (neck), the thoracic vertebrae (making up the majority of the trunk),

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