Diseases & Conditions

Immune System Health

How Common are Allergies in Older Adults? An estimated 20 to 30% of the world’s population now suffers from allergic diseases such as hay fever

Brain Health

What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry

Rehabilitative Health

Working with a Physical Therapist What is Chronic Pain? Chronic pain is a condition that occurs when your brain perceives a threat to your well-being

woman's legs with foot on calf ask the doctor chattanooga

Ask The Doctor: Fall 2016

Q: CAN SWEAT IMPACT MY HEARING AID’S ABILITY TO WORK PROPERLY? A: It can, if you go for long periods of time without proper cleaning

Debunking Myths About Lung Cancer

The link between smoking and lung cancer is deeply ingrained in the American psyche. Despite this awareness, many of us have some preconceived ideas about

FAQ About the Flu Shot

Learn More About Why You Should Get the Flu Shot The CDC advises everyone 6 months and older to get a flu vaccine. Wondering if

HPV and Cervical Cancer

Certain types of HPV can lead to cancer if left untreated – which is why vaccination and regular screening are critical. Human papilloma virus, or

woman's legs with foot on calf ask the doctor chattanooga

Ask the Doctor: Late Summer 2016

Q. I have varicose veins. For a while they were just unsightly, but now my legs have started to ache. What’s wrong? A. Varicose veins

An Enemy Inside You?

By Camille Platt When you sprain your ankle, stub your toe, or come down with a sinus infection, your immune system initiates a defense reaction:

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