Diseases & Conditions

Silent and spreading chattanooga

Silent & Spreading

Learn the Facts About HPV It’s a quiet epidemic, often with no signs or symptoms to indicate infection. Here’s what physicians today have to say

woman's legs with foot on calf ask the doctor chattanooga

Ask the Doctor: Summer 2017

Q. My son just recovered from an ankle sprain and is back on the soccer field. What is the best way to protect against re-injury?

statins chattanooga orange pills

6 Things to Know About Statins

By Alice Gilmore You’ve heard of statins. Around since 1987, these lipid-lowering medications have continued to rise in popularity as they’ve been proven to lower

woman's legs with foot on calf ask the doctor chattanooga

Ask the Doctor: Spring 2017

Q: With so many anti-aging products on the market, what ingredients should I look for? What should I avoid? A. The world of anti-aging products

woman's legs with foot on calf ask the doctor chattanooga

Ask the Doctor: New Year 2017

Q. What role do emotions play in binge eating? A. We often hear about “emotional eating,” in which people turn to food in times of emotional

total health bones and joints chattanooga

Physical Therapy After Surgery

Who needs physical therapy after orthopedic surgery? The short answer is: everyone. Anyone who undergoes orthopedic surgery – whether it’s total or partial joint replacement,

woman's legs with foot on calf ask the doctor chattanooga

Ask the Doctor: Winter 2016

Q. When I leave practice at the end of the day my muscles feel like jelly. How can I tell the difference between stress that

Do I Need Antibiotics for My Cold?

By Katherine Ladny Mitchell In 1928, Professor Alexander Fleming was sorting through bacterial cultures when he noticed some mold in a petri dish. Upon closer

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