Diseases & Conditions

pills on a pink background ask the doctor in chattanooga

Ask the Doctor: Spring 2018

Q. My mom is battling dementia, and I think it’s time to consider assisted living. What is the best way to broach the subject with

Migranes and synapses diagrams in chattanooga

The Chemistry of Migraines

The Science Behind Migraines While the effect may be sensory – a pulsating headache with an inability to deal with light, sound, smell, or even

Making Sense of Your Metabolism header

Making Sense of Your Metabolism

Many of us have heard that a high metabolism is good, a low metabolism is bad, and there are ways to manipulate your metabolism to

Asthma inhaler in chattanooga

Understanding Asthma

As many as 1 in 13 people have asthma, a swelling of the airways that can lead to serious complications. Learn some of the lesser-known

pills on a pink background ask the doctor in chattanooga

Ask the Doctor: New Year 2018

Q. I have begun to experience numbness in my dominant hand. What might be causing it, and how can I fix it? A. Hand numbness can

wall with felted hearts hanging and woman holding the last one to finish the last row

A Change of Heart

February is American Heart Month – and while it’s a great time to break out your favorite red sweater, this season is also a time

woman wearing pink skinny jeans legs and bottom of torso in chattanooga

Comprehending Cervical Cancer

For decades, cervical cancer was one of the most common causes of cancer death among women in America. Thanks to better standards and more consistent

tissue box, mug of tea, pills, and thermometer in chattanooga

Adieu to the Flu

If you’re 65 or older, a serious bout of the flu can compromise your entire immune system and put you at risk for major complications.

artificial hip joint in chattanooga

Total Hip Replacement

Who Needs a Total Hip Replacement? For those suffering from osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease in the hip, and who have tried nonsurgical treatments to

woman's legs with foot on calf ask the doctor chattanooga

Ask the Doctor: Winter 2017

Q. Each winter my skin gets really dry. How can I prep it for the cold this year? A. Cold weather and low humidity levels


For the 1.5 million Americans diagnosed with diabetes every year, lofty promises of lifestyle changes can be hard to keep. By breaking goals into manageable

Cold Hands: Is It Raynaud’s?

Here’s the scenario: You walk out of your warm and cozy house to go to the mailbox one winter day, and before you get there,

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