Advancements in Medicine

Returning Athletes to Play

New therapy options are helping athletes recover faster from traumatic brain injuries. While rest is critical in the immediate aftermath of a concussion, new research

Tech for Your Health

Throughout the Chattanooga area, our medical community is investing in and utilizing the latest and most advanced technology to provide the best possible care for

Tech For Your Heart

MRI-Compatible Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) Evera MRI SureScan ICD System MANUFACTURER: Medtronic FDA APPROVED: September 2015 FIRST APPEARANCE IN CHATTANOOGA: October 2015 NOTES: With the

Menopause & Vaginal Atrophy

“Expert Advice”  “The MonaLisa Touch uses a fractional CO2 laser to treat vaginal atrophy. Designed specifically for vaginal tissues, it stimulates cells in the vaginal

The Here and Now of Hearing

Certain physical changes associated with aging are more commonly accepted, or understood, than others. You can’t see as well as you could when you were

MRI and CT Technology

Two of the most powerful diagnostic tools in use in medicine today are Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT). Each of these, in

A Revolutionary Solution

The human head, weighing as much as 15 pounds, is perched on a section of the spine made up of seven small bones – the

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

When several workers at a downtown hotel were taken to the hospital last February, the treatment of choice for their extended exposure to carbon monoxide

Mapping Out Hope

The route to understanding medical mysteries such as the why of diseases, including cancer, has totally taken new turns since the Human Genome Project was

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