
bottle of mini vegetables

Getting Savvy about Dietary Supplements

Vitamins and Supplements If you swallow a handful of vitamins every morning, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans take dietary supplements as part of their

green cleanse juice

What is a “Cleanse” Diet?

A Few Things You Should Know Before You Dive Into a Spring Cleanse As the days get warmer and chunky sweaters are shed in favor

olive oil

Cooking Oils Decoded

When it comes to health benefits, not all oils are made equal. Here’s the skinny on which oils to skip and which to slather on.

Young woman holding a glass of homemade lemonade

Experiment with Mint

How to Incorporate Mint Into Your Cooking Here are 5 easy ways to incorporate this aromatic herb into your everyday cooking. More than likely, you

avocado slices, salmon, almonds, dry beans

Best Foods For Your Belly

Some foods work wonders when it comes to keeping your tummy slim and trim. Here are five. #1. Avocados These green, buttery fruits contain essential

outdoor picnic with snacks

Smarter Snacking

10 Ways to Munch Healthier Since we know that calories – more than metabolism – account for a healthy weight, it’s important to be conscious


10 Tips for a Fiber-Rich Diet

Fiber has countless health benefits, but most people simply don’t get enough of it. From controlling blood sugar levels, to lowering cholesterol, to helping maintain

potato and bread slice

Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs

What’s the Difference? Have you ever thought about going on a low-carb or even no-carb diet? Before you join in the quest to cut carbs,

small cracker sandwich with a measuring tape wrapped around it on a scale

Portion Distortion

It’s no secret that Americans have a distorted perception of portion size. If you want to shock European visitors, just order them entrées at one

woman with celiac disease holding grain

Is it Gluten?

Going Gluten-Free There is a lot of talk these days about going gluten-free. But can eliminating this wheat protein from your diet really help you

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