Healthy Recipes

Arugula with Steak, Lemon & Parmesan

Arugula with Steak, Lemon & Parmesan Recipe

Eruca sativa, or arugula, is a salad green with a rich, pungent taste. Packed with vitamins, the plant has been affectionately dubbed “nature’s multi-vitamin.” PinPrint

Lentil & Coucous Salad with Arugula

Lentil & Couscous Salad with Arugula Recipe

Eruca sativa, or arugula, is a salad green with a rich, pungent taste. Packed with vitamins, the plant has been affectionately dubbed “nature’s multi-vitamin.” PinPrint

arugula cakes

Local Arugula Cakes Recipe

Eruca sativa, or arugula, is a salad green with a rich, pungent taste. Packed with vitamins, the plant has been affectionately dubbed “nature’s multi-vitamin.” Here

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